uno dos tres

~# cat Question

Let's go a little web hunting shall we?

This was one of the simpler web challenges, requiring us to just investigate the infrastructure's website. We can use burpsuite and its search feature to scan the website quickly.

Finding flag 1

Flag 1 was hidden within the code of the home page.

Finding flag 2

I wasn't able to find flag 2 that easily with burpsuite thus, I decided to just view the page source. We can find flag 2 by going to the scoreboard page, and in the header, go to this CSS theme:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/themes/ctfd-neon-theme/static/css/">

Finding flag 3

To find flag 3, we can use burpsuite again really easily. Once again it was located one of the CSS themes.

Flag: flag{first_secoooond_and_TURDDDDDDDDD_i_caught_em_all}

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