Object Orientated Programming

~# cat Question

Objects are everywhere, even in the most unlikely of places.

FILE: objects.pcap

Since this is a forensics challenge with a pcap file , we can use Wireshark to view the packets. I scrolled through the first few packets whilst looking at their hex dump and I noticed a packet that had a jpeg image in it. I thought at first that opening it would give me the flag but when I follow the HTTP stream, I saw flag.png.

Extracting the flag

o see it clearer, we can extract the 3 files shown. We can do this by going to View 🡢 Apply as Filter 🡢 ASCII.

From there, the file of interest is flag.png. I saved and opened the file, giving us the flag.

Flag: ACSI{s0_m4ny_0bj4c+5}

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