
~# cat Question

Try reversing this file? Can ya? I forgot the password to this file. Please find it for me?

FILE: ret.elf

This challenge was a straight forward reverse engineering task. Upon opening the ret file, it displayed numerous unreadable symbols. Thus, I utilized strings on the file to extract readable strings and grep to search for the stringpico within the extracted strings, which got me the flag.

└─$ chmod _x ret

└─$ ./ret
Enter the password to unlock this file: password
You entered: password
Access denied

└─$ strings ret | grep pico
Password correct, please see flag: picoCTF{3lf_r4v4r5ing_succe55ful_1de05085}

Flag: picoCTF{3lf_r4v4r5ing_succe55ful_1de05085}

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