Significant Bits

~# cat Question

Surely its not possible to hide a file within this file since the music sounds normal...

FILE: challenge.wav

The challenge gave us a wav file and had a name of significant bits which I assumed to be related to LSB. We can use audacity to see if there was any hidden messages in the spectrogram. However there was nothing.

Hidden text using LSB

Going back to LSB, we can use steghide to extract any hidden data/messages as LSB is commonly used to conceal messages or information within other non-secret text or data. Doing so, gets us the flag.

└─$ steghide extract -sf challenge.wav                            
Enter passphrase: 
wrote extracted data to "flag.txt".
└─$ cat flag.txt 
Here is the flag:

Flag: flag{h0p3_y0u_3nj0y3d_tH3_Fr33_Mus1c}

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