
~# cat Question

How about some hide and seek heh? Look at this image here.

FILE: atbash.jpeg

Using eog, we can see that the image is an image of a cipher, mainly Atbash. Which will be an important information later on.

└─$ eog atbash.jpg

I utilized steghide in order to reveal any concealed files within the image. This showed a file encrypted.txt. Cat-ting the file out will return what looks like a encrypted flag.

└─$ steghide extract -sf atbash.jpg  
Enter passphrase:
wrote extracted data to "encrypted.txt".

└─$ ls
atbash.jpg  encrypted.txt

└─$ cat encrypted.txt

Recalling that the file and image were encrypted with the Atbash Cipher, I assumed this was the encryption method used. Navigating to cyberchef, I searched for Atbash Cipher, derypted it, and obtained the flag.

Flag: picoCTF{atbash_crack_ca00558b}

Last updated

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